Paris France Mission

Paris France Mission

Monday, July 11, 2016

Africans are Life! (Week #33)

Date: July 11, 2016
Location: Rouen 
Companion: Soeur Bennett

Hey Friends!

So I know that you can't really pick a favorite kind of people but I absolutely ADORE Africans. Whether it is the Ivory Coast, Congo, Camaroon, Senegal, Nigeria, I just love them. I love their huge bright dresses and headwraps, their excitement everytime you say the word Jesus, and their honesty, whether it is them telling you that you have gotten fat since the last time they saw you, or them saying, "Did you just arrive in France?" "Yes, I did!" "Mmm, I can tell." Haha I love it! Because yes, they can be a little rude and dramatic, but that also means that if they know that  something is true, they are going to stick with it.

The other night at the church, we had a Ping Pong Pancakes Party. It is definitely a regular occurence put on by all the missionaries. And we invited members and amis, and everyone who wanted to come bond over some competition and American Style Crêpes. And no members came which was a little disappointing. But we had three investigators show up!
Two of them being our beloved African amis who we just love. And Sylvie of course. But it was amazing because we started with a little spiritual thought, and one of our amis, Frederic, shared his testimony about howwhen he met the missionaries, he knew he needed to keep talking to them and so he invited them over to his house! and how ever since then, he gets a strength from church, from the scriptures, from the missionaries.

So there we are listening to this story! And it is so spiritual. And Sylvie interrupts him, saying, "It was the exact same for me! There is something special at this church! It is true!" And then all of the sudden, Elisabeth, our amie who is loaded with energy- a serious fireball, she starts talking and is like, "When I met these missionaries, I KNEW they belonged to the church of God! I knew it! And I know that I am going to be a Mormon one day." So it went from silent, to us four missionaries, sitting there with mouths practically dropped open, listening to our amies interrupt each other
to talk about their personal testimonies of the divinity of this church. It almost sounded like they were arguing! None of them could stop talking!! What an amazing moment. And what amazing people who are honestly seeking the truth and who have open hearts. I know that their experiences are real. Because I myself have had them. What a blessing.

Another fun story is that of my Sylvie :) I just adore this woman and she is turning into a little missionary. A few months ago, I believe I told the story of how she literally pushed a couple into the church to have them take a tour :) Well, nothing has changed since then, I have only forgotten to share other stories from the life of Missionary Sylvie. But since that time there have been countless events of Sylvie knocking on people's windows to invite them to learn more, sharing with people the message of the restoration libraries, and with the latest story, I am starting to think that I have no courage at all compared to Sylvie.

It was the Euro Cup this week for soccer, and France was in the Finale. So there have been lots of parties, lots of crazy teenagers doing stupid things, and endless noise. And Sylvie, the cute 71 year old that she is, was invited to attend a party held by a young man and his friends the night before the Finale. He had invited the whole apartment building and she was lucky enough to be on the list :) SoThe night of, she decided that she needed to go. So not only did she go to the party, but she marched up those stairs with what in her hand? A WORD of WISDOM brochure that she searched her apartment looking for! And she interrupts this party and teaches these young men about why it is important to not drink and smoke and why our bodies should be kept healthy! So they didn't really want to hear it according to Sylvie :) So on her way down to her apartment, she ran into some more boys headed up with a bunch of beer. So she took the oppurtunity and bore testimony AGAIN! what is life :)

I don't know how Sylvie has so much courage to do that and she still doesn't have enough to overcome this fear of water. It is something I would love to have the answer to, something that I don't know if I ever will. But I see Christ strengthening her every time I am with her and hear her bear her testimony. How amazing is it that He knows us perfectly. So it doesn't matter that I don't completely understand Sylvie. Because in the end, I can plan and plan and plan for what I think that Sylvie needs, But I can see Him strengthening her and blessing her with what she needs in that moment.

I love where I am. I love my amis, the other missionaries, the country, my companion, and that I can wear Christ's name on my chest every day. I am having so much fun and I am working hard :)

Soeur Trotter

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