Date: October 10, 2016
Location: Nancy
Companion: Soeur PetersenHello Everyone!!
This week started off fantastic. Do you remember about how I told you that we went hiking for my birthday? Well, turns out I had a little too much fun because I ended up bringing some little forest friends home with me. :) Tuesday morning, I woke up, ready to ATTACK THE MORNING, and I went into the bathroom. Well, I looked in the mirror and what did I see? Well, I thought it was a scab so I started picking at it... Bad idea #1. Haha but it got a whole less exciting pretty dang fast when it started moving!! I GOT A TICK! Haha that was so gross. Haha luckily my comp was willing to play surgeon and we got it out :) I kept it as a souvenir to show you all when I come home :) Haha whenever I tell people the story and tell them that I kept it, they all laugh hysterically and ask me if I am serious. And they get so shocked when I say I am. Haha I didn't think it was the weird... but who knows what being a missionary has done to me.. Haha.
As for the rest of the week, it was full of lots of adventures and birthday parties and teaching :) Just the way I like it. We went to this member's house, her name is Maité, and she is HILARIOUS. And her birthday was a few days after mine, so she threw a fête! And it was a lot of fun. But it consisted of being fed raw steak, which I wouldn't recommend. Apparently she likes the texture... haha and it also consisted of Maité going and getting her scale and then her and three of her old friends all sat around and forced me and soeur Petersen to weigh ourselves. And when we would get on the scale, they would all come over and look at it and start laughing and pointing at us, and saying stuff like, "c'est pas vrai!" haha and then they made us eat like ten pounds of cake :) haha sooo pretty sure that counts as bullying but it was fun and they love us and feed us so we let them do what they want. It was fun becuase none of Maités friends are members. So we love answering their questions when they have them and helping them grow closer to Christ. She is such a missionary and we love it :)
Something really cool that happened this week was meeting Sylvain. We were walking through a parc one night, and Sylvain was too. He and his girlfriend had just gotten into a really bad fight and he needed some time and some space. And as we started talking, Sylvain opened up a little bit, and He started to cry as we talked of Jesus Christ, and how there is someone who understands him. It was a really cool moment as Sylvain looked at us and said, "You are right. I have been so busy thinking about so much, I completely forgot that He is there for me." and he went on to explain that us meeting was one way in which Christ was looking out for Him. We were able to see him later that week and he is becoming one of my favorite people, who is prepared. It is true that he has trials, but Christ understands him even if we don't, and I love that. I love being able to remind people of these things because they are true! I love being able to look at people, and be honest and tell them that there is no way that I understand what they are going through. But the best part is is telling them that there is someone who does. Someone a whole lot greater and better and who loves us. Even when we don't remember to love Him. That night was a huge tender mercy, for us and for Him, and I know that God is leading and directing us. That is also how we met Anissa.
The other day, me and Soeur Petersen had been out for hours. People were listening, but we weren't getting very far, and I think that we walked up and down the same street 10 times, deciding what we wanted to do and where we wanted to go. Something that gives me the most stress on the mission, is being honest with God and asking Him sincerely where we need to go to find those who are prepared; and then we don't get an anwser. At first I was frustrated with God, and then after a few weeks in the mission, I was frustrated with me, thinking about what might be keeping me from bieng worthy of God's guidance and His answers. But something that I have learned with time, is the importance of acting. If we don't recieve an answer, we cannot just sit and wait, but act, and God will let us know if the decision we are making is wrong. For all of you who know Garth Brooks, He has a song called unanswered prayers. And this night reminds me a lot of it.
I was frustrated in all honesty. Soeur Petersen wouldn't decide where to go. And She was frustrated because Soeur Trotter wouldnt decide where to go. And it was windy and cold and it had been three hours. And we were being so lamme! But we decided to pray. And we really wanted to know where to go. We really wanted to find those who were ready and we were willing to listen. And we looked up from bowing our heads, and there was no one. But, we decided to walk. And just down the street, there we see her. Anissa. She was reading the paper outside of the gare, and she hoenstly looking freezing. But I knew we had to talk to her. and we did. And she told us about her life and her family and her beliefs. And before we knew it, we just felt so much love for her. She asked what we were holding in our hands. Which lucky for her, was the Book of Mormon. and she took it and just looked at it flipping through the pages, saying that she wished that she could have one. little did she know, that is why we hold them in the first place :) #trickymissionnaires
But it was fun to look at her looking at a Book that i know will change her life. I know what it can do. And I know that that day, God's "Unanswered Prayer," was actually an answer. An answer telling us to stop complaining and to just walk a little longer, a little further, to test a little more of our faith. And we did. And like He promised, He blessed us. I know that the Lord gives us commandments that we have to follow. He tells us missionaries to always talk to people and to go to bed on time and to try our best. And then in return He blesses us. And He is the umitmate promise keeper. Heavenly Father WANTS to bless us. And He will! I see it every day.
I love you all. Don't forget it. I think about you all the time, even if I don't write you. Mom comes first and the rest are questionable if I will get around to it. I try my best. I am working hard and I am having fun. The Lord is blessing France and Nancy and Soeur Petersen and Soeur Trotter. And all of us :) His work really is moving. And it really is true so there is no stopping it :)
Soeur Trotter
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Hiking up to an Old World War Fort. Elder Randrianaivo is facing the camera, and Me and Elder Pro are turned around! |
You can't tell but we found a super cool old military fort! |
Hiking today! Hopefully no ticks round 2! |
Such a fun day! |
Our Birthday Party! She didn't want to put a 71 on the cake so we said we were both 20 :) Clever |
At our member Claudine's house with Maité :) |
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