Paris France Mission

Paris France Mission

Monday, December 12, 2016

Every Story Has a Happy Ending :) #baptism (Week #55)

Date: December 12, 2016
Location: #5 Orléans
Companion: Soeur Robertson
Well Everyone,

Once again I just have to say that Simplice is amazing. He put us through the ringer this week and I had like three nights this week when I wasn't actually sure what I was thinking or feeling or doing because of the emotional rollercoaster he took me and Soeur Robertson on, but it is once again Monday, we are all alive, and all is well. I probably have a few more gray hairs and I ate a little bit more chocolate than I would like to admit, but in the end, God is still looking out for me, and He is REALLY looking out for Simplice. Don't worry. I will explain.
Haha basically though, the week was good. Some of my best friends finished their missions, including Elder Trotter, so what else is there to do other than spending your last p-day on the top of a Ferris Wheel! Orléans looks a whole lot cooler from up high. But if you have a fear of heights I wouldn't recommend it. Poor Soeur Robertson. Good sport.
Oh! On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of heading out to Montargis! Soeur Duytche, a member in the ward, is the greatest, and once a week, she goes out with us for the whole day, because it is quite a ways away, and we visit about 5 people together and spend the day together. It always makes for a good time. And then we always eat lunch together somewhere in there. Haha but whoever handed Soeur Trotter the potato and the knife to help prepare lunch must not have heard of the recent church incident that I had. I have no idea what happened. I put the potato on the plate, cut it, and next thing I know there is no more plate and there are glass shards flying all over the room. There really was no more plate. That is how far every single piece flew. I am just not even going to try to explain that one... But it ended up being a good day. It was sad because a lot of our amis who live out there cancelled, and we ended up taking an earlier bus back into Orléans. But I just looked at Soeur Robertson and was like... Simplice. So we call Simplice, and you betcha he was free!
So that night, was the start of the rollercoaster that this blessed man took us on. That night, Simplice was... Simplice. He was so excited to be taught, and we were able to teach with Soeur Javoy from the ward, who was free last minute to come with us. It was the start of the commandments, and we were able to teach Word of Wisdom, which Simplice loves. The baptism is getting close, so we actually saw him every day this week, and without fail, Simplice continued to amaze us. He always comes to the church with his little box full of his books and manuals and brochures that he has collected since meeting with us, and he just soaks everything in!
Well, on Thursday night, Simplice came to our lesson, and things went well. But as he shared his testimony, as we talked a little bit longer, it was discovered that the baptism, after all, might not be happening on Saturday the 17th. It never ceases to amaze me how much the devil tries to hinder the progress of the children of God. Même the very elect. But something else that amazes me, is that if we keep our faith, if we keep believing that God will provide a way, He will. The elect will NOT be found wanting by Satan and if they remain valiant, God promises that we will have the strength to overcome.
            So having this knowledge and actually acting on it are two different things. But for the next few nights after that meeting with Simplice, I wanted it to be my goal. I just kept telling myself. God will provide a way. He will provide a way. My thought process was definitely all over the place, but at the end of each day, when I would see the picture of Christ on my wall, and when I would look at my picture of Simplice, I just knew. That because this man is so strong, so faithful, so diligent and detirmined, that God would provide a way. That Simplice, would be able to make it to baptism one day, because of this desire of His to follow the Savior of the World. I had no idea when it would be, but it's all on the the Lord's timetable, right?
Well, a few tears and countless prayers later, Simplice found out that he WOULD be able to be baptized. I don't know how to explain the joy that filled all of us four missionaries standing there in that chapel, or the joy that filled Simplice, as they came to tell us the news, but his face said it all, and I think ours did too. I can't describe the love of God that I was able to feel that night, I can't describe how much my testimony was strengthened in that our Father in Heaven really does have everything in His hands. The longer that I am here on this mission, the more and more I am realizing that this path to baptism, this path to eternal life that we are all on, is not an easy experience. It was SUPPOSED to be hard. It wasn't supposed to just be accepted by every one with no questions or trials along the way. It takes faith, it takes endurance, it takes realizing that even though it feels like we are never going to arrive at where we need to be, we can, and we will, if we keep our faith, if we have the TRUST that God knows all and that he directs our path.
I think that I learned a lot this week. Too much to tell you guys about that is for sure. As much as I would love to. But slowly and surely, I can feel God making more of me than I could ever make of myself.  He is taking me and molding me and loving me even though I'm probably not as lovable as He would like me to be ;) and at the end of each day, I love that I can speak with Him, that I can sit and ponder for a moment, and listen to Him. And if I listen hard enough and long enough, each time, I have the most incredible feeling that yes, He is there, that He knows it is hard, that He knows that I am not nearly as good as I could become. But that yes, He is proud of me, and that that day, I was a whole lot better than I was the day before. That I was enough.

9 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me." Alma 29: 9-10

I know that God hath heard my prayers. I am so happy this week. It is so true that no greater joy comes than from seeing a child of God follow Him, and come unto Him. I hope you always remember Him and what He has done for you. As SImplice says, every time I ask him if he has had a good day, "Oui. Grâce à Dieu!" So true! It is thanks to God that we have what we have. Never forget it! :)

I love you all. I hope you know that I am over here working really hard, and yes, I am having a lot of fun! Can you not, when they add a giant ferris wheel right in the middle of town?

Foggy Days!
Headed for the Ferris Wheel! Elder Trotter's last P day Hoorah!
That is one big match right there!
Putting lights on our sapine! 
Found this gem of a photo of me and my best friend! :)

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