Bonjour Mes Amis,
Oh là là. This week was really short. I feel like I was just
writing my weekly email and now here I am, doing what? I am writing my weekly
email. Haha you will all be very happy to hear that after three months of
living right by Paris, I FINALLY made it to the Eiffel Tour. I didn't make it
up the Eiffel Tour, but I got to stand directly under it, so that's good enough
for me. I have never been SUPER interested in architecture or anything, and I
always found myself sounding like my great grandpa. He used to say, "Why
would I go look at it if I can just see it on a postcard?" Haha but now
that I went, I realized how big it actually is and it looks really cool up
close :) so I can now
check that off my list!
If any of you know my family at all, you know that us
Trotter kids have a big problem bringing home stray or otherwise unwanted
animals. We would save them all if we could. Emily saved some mice who were
going to be fed to the class snake in her fourth grade class, she
saved a few cats these last couple years ;) haha and well,
let's just say if it didn't say "don't have pets as a missionary" in
the missionary handbook, I would probably have one by now. Anyways, me and
Soeur Archbold went to Toul this last week for exchanges. Toul is probably my
favorite place in France. You blink and you miss it. There is nothing there and
there is no one there. Just green fields and brown fields and trees and
I absolutely love it.
Those missionaries have to have a car too because everything
is so spread apart. Well. Soeur Archbold was with Soeur Empey, and Soeur Jicha
was with me. And the other Soeurs had a rendez-vous, so me and Soeur Jicha
decided to go porting, or in English we decided to go be
missionaries and to go do what missionaries do- knock some
doors. Well, within a few minutes, we noticed we had a little friend. This
super cute dog was following us everywhere. For a long time! And he had no
collar, he was so dirty and smelled so bad, and was so skinny
and had cuts on him.
So I did what anybody would have done- I named him Scout!
Now, looking back I shouldn't have named him because like I
said, in the rule book is very clearly says I can't keep him. But we could not
leave this dog there. So we took him back to the apartment with us, fed him
some meatballs, gave him a bath. It was lunch hour don't worry
;). Turns out after trying to pawn him off on Président
Babin's son, we took him to the vet and he had an owner. Not a very good one
apparently, but they wanted their dog back so that was the end of Scout. BUT I
had a dog for like an hour or two so that was exciting.
Soeur Empey is here for her first transfer and she wanted to
know if that is how all exchanges are. The answer was a resounding
"no" haha but it made for an adventure :)
Now onto more spiritual- more worthwhile things, although I
do like a good story! and dogs! We still cannot get a hold of who was our most
progressing amie, Zoé. She wanted to get baptized so bad and now we don't know
what happened. We keep praying and we keep hoping but she
is just so unreachable. So the prayers and the phone calls
continue. We will see what happens :) we won't stop trying though! I know she
is ready for this.
Our amie Djélika really wants to get baptized. She is 21 and
has read the Book of Mormon 8 times and has been taught all the lessons and is
so ready. She knows this gospel is true. But her dad is Muslim extremist and it
is making it really difficult for her. It is actually really hard for me to
watch someone who has so much trust in God and in the scriptures, and who wants
to progress and just can't. It just breaks my heart! BUT she is continuing to
progress and I know that things will work out the way the are supposed to,
whether she can get baptized in May or in 5 years, it is all in His timing. He
always knows best.
By the end of this week we will know what is happening next
transfer. We are pretty nervous because a few people have hinted we are up for
another challenge but we will see what comes. I was thinking about it, and I
realized that transfer calls are the same weekend as Easter. Coincidence? I
think not. There is a reason that the Atonement enables us. It is true that it
can cover our imperfections and that He lived and died so he could always
understand what we go through in this life, but he also died to enable us to be
able to do what seems to be impossible.
I know that we all have our different lives, and some of you
are parents and grandparents, and some of you are friends of mine from high
school, college, some of you are my young women that I love so much. I find it
is so incredible we are all in such different stages of life and yet the
Atonement works for all of us and it strengthens all of us
individually, but collectively.
I love all of you. I hope that you have a really amazing
Easter, and I hope you remember why we celebrate Easter :)
Oh! And Hand of the Lord moment! I don't know if you
remember Marie-Clausette- She was the amie that feel asleep in our first lesson
when I was with Soeur Clements in St. Ouen! BUT she is progressing and the
Elders called last night and said she went to church! Miracles! :)
Anyways, until next week,
Soeur Trotter
This is Toul! Best place in France! (: |
Me and Seour Jicha and Scout! (: |
My Spirit Metro Stop! |
La Tour Eiffel :) |
La Tour Eiffel :) |
La Tour Eiffel :) |
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