Area: Paris
Companion: Seour Archbold
Thanksgiving. That's all I can think of to start this email.
Which is funny because it is no where near thanksgiving. In fact, yesterday was
Easter. But really, the only word I can think of today is thanksgiving. I am
full of gratitude towards our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.
I want to flash backwards to the beginning of this week.
Tuesday was our district finding day, where we go out all day and we trouver
the people who are ready for this gospel. I absolutely love it. Nothing beats
finding. Well, baptisms are some competition, but I really love finding :) BUT
honestly, it had been a little but if an eery day for me. Just one of those
days that feels a little off all day, and you don't really know why. Well, we
all gathered back together at the end of our finding day, to share some
miracles and say bye. And all our phones went off at the same time. And so
needless to say, the day got a little eerier when we found out that 4 of our
own missionaries were injured in a terrorist attack. We were all just silent
for a minute, kind of thinking about what that meant, wondering why the good
guys, why the Lord's missionaries were even in the airport that morning, and on
top of that, why they weren't protected. We didn't really know how bad it was
yet or what it would mean for those missionaries, but they were in the hospital
and they were hurt.
I don't know how many times I have prayed for these
missionaries since then. I can't count. And I think that I can probably speak
for every other missionary in this mission. BUT. One thing I am sure of, is
that they were protected that day. We all have agency, and honestly these are
the last days. We know that people will abuse that gift of agency. And a lot of
people died in Belgium because of it. But I know, I really know those
missionaries were being watched over. They should have died. I saw a newspaper
the other day that talked about how there was a huge bomb in that airport that
failed to detonate. Those missionaries should've died. And they didn't. I don't
think there could be a bigger hand of the Lord moment, a bigger tender mercy.
He is so present, so aware of us, so much more involved in our protection and
well-being then we sometimes remember.
Répertoire was also this week. Or in other words, transfer
changes! And honestly we both saw this one coming. I am headed to my third
ville with my third companion in my third transfer. And I am headed to
Normandy! Rouen to be exact. And now comes the best part. A few weeks ago, me
and Soeur Archbold went on exchanges with Rouen. I was with Soeur Spencer, who
is from Zimbabuay and we were on fire that day. We had so much fun and were
contacting and we taught an incredible lesson. It was so good! We went home
that night joking about how we would be the biggest dream team France ever saw.
we wanted to be companions so bad! Haha but she is only two transfers ahead of
me so we made this plan that we would be companions later on in the mission..
Now see if you can guess whose name was next to mine on the
répertoire? :) Haha it is going to be an adventure. I am going to miss the
people I have met in Paris, but I feel so good about next transfer and I am so
I was talking to Soeur Archbold the other day when I was
upset about how I am being moved around so much, I guess I kind of just felt
like another Soeur in the mission, like they were throwing me everywhere
without a ton of thought. It honestly felt like that. Because I feel like I
haven't been able to bond with my wards and companions with the amount of time
I have had in each one and it was just so frustrating. I want a constant,
something familiar to stay with me, and I can't really find that!
BUT, I realized this. The work I will be doing in Rouen is
the same work I am doing in Paris. I am wearing my same plaque with the same
Book of Mormon and the same purpose: bringing people to Christ. The Savior that
led me through St. Ouen is the same Savior that led me through Paris, and He
will lead me through Rouen. He is my constant.
Yesterday was Easter. And I don't think it is coincidence
that Easter was the same week as répertoire, or of that accident. What an
amazing time to be able to sit back and reflect on what His Atonement means to
us. It means that all those people who died will live again, with their
families. That he understands those families who lost people and he understands
the pain and fear of those missionaries who were hurt.
I want you all to feel the love that I have for Jesus
Christ. He fixes me in ways I couldn't do myself. He changes my heart, and protects
me, and he watches over me always. I could not be a missionary and I could not
wear His name if I wasn't positive that He was with me. I know He is with me. I
know that sending me to Rouen was inspired by Him. I know He knows what is best
for me. These are really the last days. Things in the world probably won't get
a ton better until He comes again, but! These last days can also be the best
days with the knowledge that we can have of who Jesus Christ is and what His
gospel is all about. It can be the happiest time that there ever has been,
despite all this adversity. I am so grateful that I have Him in my life and
that I have His example to follow and His support to rely on :)
So in other words :) It was a really good week. Despite
everything. Could the week of Easter ever really be a bad week? I don't think
so. I love you all :) Til' next time...
Soeur Alyssa Trotter :)
Easter Bunny came for our roommates! haha (aka us!) haha so Fun! (: |
Gina :) Filipino who taught my Filipinos with us. She is perfect! :) |
One of my favorite families in the ward! He accidentally biased me once haha so funny haha! |
Last Sunday at Church in Paris! |
Artsy Picture with Notre Dame! |
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